Well hello there intarwebz and blogger blog. How are you? I haven't touched you for, what, a month or two already? I've been busy and I've been too lazy. Plus, my life haven't been so interesting lately. Many have happened, some are significant but not worth writing about. By the way I turned 19 last September 2, it's one of the worst days of my life. It feels weird to say "Hi, I'm Pauline and I'm 19 years old."
I told myself that blogging isn't an obligation. I'm not obliged to write about myself and swear and squee and spill out my heart's deepest secrets everyday. That's why I'm here, and I'm trying to make my life interesting again.
September 2, 2009 isn't the best day ever in my life. It's supposed to be galaxy trip into another blackhole, in other words, a transition. I had so many plans. I failed yet again. But I'm trying to change for the Nth time.
It's September 20 now, and it doesn't make any difference if I start today right? Though it's 18 days after my due date for change, It's still September 2 + 0.
You'll be seeing more of me.
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