Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Product of Laziness (Or Lack Thereof)

So hello. If you thought I forgot about this little corner, no, I haven't. Things have been happening and it made me too tired (or lazy) to write. I do get spurts of adrenaline and inspiration when I read other people's blogs, but with my too short attention span, anything can get in the way. A mind reboot is needed. My head must be filled with all kinds of thought-bugs that slowly eat away whats left of my creativity and eagerness to write. I mean, why do I find it so hard to write about what's been happening to my life, when it's the easiest topic there is. I was  doing pretty good during the start of the year with all these personal resolutions and shiznazz. My training must be draining all my energy.

It's fairly obvious that I haven't updated my Project 52 for the past three (?) weeks. Fear not, I have the pictures stored in Cosmo's memory card. My only problem is the content that has to go along with it. If my memory fails me, then a cluster of Project 52 posts, including week 10, might just present itself to you on Thursday, my off-day for the week. It's starting to become an obligation instead of a motivation to write and to keep on doing what I want. Well, hello there near-quitter. And here are the other things that are raping my life right now.

Frak you February. I hate what your month-ender. What happened came a surprise, considering that I was just about to enjoy the company of other people I was working with. You also made me quite sick than I've ever been. I've had bouts of hyperacidity, flu and fever during your second-half. March, dear, please make up for all the crapfest February put me through.

Well, I figured this would be a short post. Just thought on updating you why I am not around much these days. The best place to look for me is the PC Forums, and my e-mail.


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