I wanted to make a Things I Love Thursday post but my sister reminded me that it was already Friday today, so I didn't go through with it. Maybe I should just make a Things I Love September post for the tons of blessings I've received for my birth month. This is not related to my real intention for coming up with this post, too much for that.
I'm making a quick post for my future self to reminisce at. I'd look back a year from now and see if anything has changed at all, or if I'm still a slacker who waits for opportunities to come to her. One thing for sure, I still don't see myself being a big shot pro at my profession. Sad to say that I'm still coming to terms that I'm stuck in this class and economy where high paying jobs are more important than your dream. Now, there's the obvious problem. I've seen only a few people living up to their childhood-teenage profession dreams. For sure, I'm not one of them. My head's still stuck up in the clouds thinking that I could get away with not having a life and living off my mother's pay check. But no matter how much I want to run from it, I have to face the reality of me being 21 years old and the responsibilities that come with that.
The thing that I hate about this lag period is the endless nagging from my relatives abroad. I want to hide from them and not answer their long-distance calls. I know my gestures are a bit ungrateful, don't get me wrong, I'm thankful they are there to help me but I don't like the tone they use when they talk to me about my future. As if they have the full authority to dictate every move I have to do in my life. I have to do things on my own time. But I also have to move fast, or else it would be difficult to get in the next time.
So right now, I honestly do not know where to stand. I'm a bit clueless about my future. I'm not even sure if I love what I'm doing.
Do I sound like a teenager who is whining about people ruining her life?