ϟ About


Hello, stranger. My name is Pauline Yu and I'm almost 21 years old. People call me Pau. I'm a mere fresh blood to the adult world of responsibilities and day jobs. Currently, I'm on a hiatus -  employment wise. I recently finished 6 months of hospital training and I'm looking at the different options life has for me. Like other early 20 year-olds, I'm still figuring out what marvelous thing I can do so I won't regret my choices when I am, let's say, in my 40's. 

I like to take photographs, watch tv shows, dream of making stuff, receive mail, read and drink coffee. I also have an undying affair with music, especially the kind that makes you want to fly, dance and dream. I do not qualify as a fangirl but it's safe to say that I'm a big lover of Bon Iver and Justin Vernon. My last.fm play counts say so. A large percentage of my free time is spent watching movies, tending to my dead online life and reading books before bedtime. Yes, I still have a bedtime.

You could find me lurking at these places:
Tumblr / Flickr / Twitter / Last.fm / Goodreads / Postcrossing
I also run these two blogs:

Arms at Ready is my personal blog and it has been running quietly for 2 years now since June 15, 2009. It has undergone 3 renovations already, but I don't have screenshots to show you. They suck anyway. It contains personal thoughts, rants that makes sense and things that interests me at the moment.

Why Arms at Ready? Well, the cheesy part of this is because I want to be ready for whatever is to come. Another reason is that the phrase, "Ready at arms!", is usually used by army men in the battlefield... and I liked to be called Captain Yu for some uncanny reason. It's up to you to find any relation between the two. Also, I was listening to Urbandub's "A Call to Arms" while constructing this blog.

Here comes the serious part. All of the images in this blog are taken and owned by me (of course, unless stated otherwise), however ridiculous they might look.