Monday, June 15, 2009


The Captain & Her Army

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The Captain

Hi. My name is Pauline Yu (the first syllable of my true surname) and I'm 20 years old. People call me Pau. I'm currently unemployed and a mere fresh blood to the adult world of responsibilities and day jobs. Don't worry, I'm trying to be responsible and I am trying to find a way to make my own living. I refer to myself as "The Captain" because I like the way it sounds and Captain Yu gives off a certain superiority, doesn't it?

I like to take photographs, watch tv shows, dream of making stuff, read and drink coffee. I also have an undying affair with  music, especially the kind that makes you want to fly, dance and dream. A large percentage of my free time is spent watching movies and tending to my dead online life.

Places to find me:
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